Thu 29, February 2024


Thomas Fuchs

Was ist der Mensch?Thomas Fuchs / Folge 30
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The question of the nature of human beings is not new and yet it remains as topical as ever. In view of the advances in artificial intelligence, for example, what are the essential characteristics of human beings - indeed, do such characteristics even exist? Could we also transform ourselves into arbitrary transhuman beings? How these fundamental anthropological questions are answered is of crucial importance not only for our view of humanity, but also for our future world view.

Zur Person

Thomas Fuchs, born in 1958, is Karl Jaspers Professor of Philosophy and Psychiatry in Heidelberg. His research focuses on the phenomenology of bodily experience in health and illness, theories of embodiment and neuroscience. His publications include “Verteidigung des Menschen. Grundfragen einer verkörperten Anthropologie” [“Defense of an Incarnated Anthropology”] (2020) and “Das Gehirn - ein Beziehungsorgan” [“The Brain - an Organ of Relationships”] (6th ed. 2021).

19 Uhr 06 Minuten