Thu 22, September 2022

Respect, politics, shitstorm

Sibel Arslan / Episode 17

Respekt, Politik, ShitstormSibel Arslan
00:00 / 00:00

What characterizes a good political conversation? Can listening and understanding be the key to success? What are the red lines when things get emotional and heated? How can a respectful discourse succeed? How do you arrive at viable syntheses and avoid lazy compromises?

As a member of the National Council, Sibel Arslan is known for confidently defending her own point of view in the arena of political debate. This does not suit everyone. Time and again, voices are raised that are directed against her personally and not against her arguments. How does Sibel Arslan experience these personal shitstorms and what does she think about the sense or nonsense of “cancel culture”? What is needed for a respectful political discourse?

19 Uhr 59 Minuten