Sat 13, April 2024

Goose the Bear

Gans der Bär

This cheerful story is said to have taken place in a Nordic country, according to the animals. The fox has stolen a goose egg from a goose colony, but is caught by the bear. Under the bear’s curious gaze, the gosling hatches from the goose egg and croaks: “Mama”. Surprised by this offer, the bear tries to explain to the gosling that he can’t possibly be his mummy, nor his daddy or anything like that… After all, he is big, strong and has fur. He can also run, climb and dive. But the little goose can do all that too!

A puppet theater for people aged 4 and over based on a picture book by Katja Gehrmann.

Ein Figurentheater für Menschen ab 4 Jahren

nach einem Bilderbuch von Katja Gehrmann.

Für maximal

45 Personen

Spieldauer ca.

40 Min. (keine Pause)



Solo-Spiel, Figuren, Kulisse, Text

Anna Friedel


Ute Heimann


Anne Swoboda


Dorothea Kinast


Christoph Roesler


Stephan Baecke

19 Uhr 29 Minuten